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Rights of Rural Women and Girls in the context of the CPLP

This material is complementary to the distance learning short course RIGHTS OF RURAL WOMEN AND GIRLS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CPLP – COMMUNITY OF PORTUGUESE-SPEAKING COUNTRIES, produced by a partnership between the Programa Semear Internacional and the NGO Actuar – Association for Cooperation and Development. This short course presents a portfolio of challenging themes related to seeking gender equity and to the fight against rural poverty. These issues are discussed in the light of the rights of rural girls and women, pointing out to the development of their skills, and the improvement of living conditions and gender relations in the countryside.

The short course is also supported by the “Alimenta CPLP!” platform and its digital portal, which encompasses several organizations involved in strategic partnerships to provide subsidies to CPLP farmers in multiple key activities. Thus, gathering the online format to the thematic approach, the course deepens concepts, information, and guidelines regarding the rights of rural women in Brazil and Portuguese-speaking African countries, adding existing tools and perspectives in each country that work as exchange of experiences on successful initiatives.

The short course “Rights of Rural Women and Girls within the CPLP” can be accessed on the following channels: